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Serenity Studio

Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Michelle Fondin, Author, YouTuber, Tarot & Astrology Life Coach. I've been teaching meditation, doing lifestyle coaching and helping people get healthy in mind, body, soul since 2008. It's my mission to help you with your life path and dreams. 


Book a Session with Michelle

My methods

Three paths to explore:

Astrology & Tarot Life Coaching  

Twin Flame Learning & Meditation Course  

Michelle's Books 

Tarot reading and coaching 

Book a 30, 60, or 90-minute tarot reading and coaching session on any topic including: twin flames, romance, life path and purpose, career, or other relationships

Book a Reading

Astrology Natal Chart and Transit Readings 

Get help with life path and purpose, goal-setting, your love life, and more with a natal chart reading and a follow-up transit reading.  


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Online Course: Learn to Meditate 

The practice of meditation helps to quiet the 50,000 thoughts you have each day. You will learn a silent mantra-based meditation practice called Primordial Sound Meditation which is Deepak Chopra's signature course. Michelle Fondin, a Chopra Center certified Vedic Master will guide you through the course. 

Immerse Into Meditation Now

Online Courses: Twin Flame Bootcamps 

Learn how to navigate your twin flame journey with over 23 hours of NEW content by taking TWIN FLAME DIVINE FEMININE BOOTCAMPS #1 & #2.


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Feel free to reach out any time